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Geometry and Form: Architectural Design Elements and Principles - Form transformation

The design project introduces basic understanding of the design principles, processes and approaches in generating ideas, developing design and translating it into form in a workshop based explorative studio. This group project, which consists of 6 parts, was our first step towards architectural design process. 


PART 1: We were asked to draw 4 tattoo stamps per person (circle - square - triangle - mix) representing specific principles and elements. 

Personal work: Directional - Points and lines


PART 2: We had to the improvise on the sketches from part 1 by using appropriate drawing tools and measurements.


PART 4: One chosen design from part 3 was used to developed into 6 different models based on the descriptive words from part 3.

Personal work: Clustered


PART 5: 6 cubic models that are sectioned into 3 different types based on the same design elements and principles use in part 4 were made.

Personal work: Type 3

Personal Reflection:

Overall tough and challenging project, as I am very new to the idea of drawing, design, modeling, elements, principles, composition, etc.... However, was the most fun project as it was mainly done on campus. 


PART 3: We applied different compositions (2 drawings per person) onto our previous drawings and further developed them. 

Personal work: Golden Ratio


PART 6: 1 model was chosen from part and made into 3 identical models of different elements, where a diagram and video are produced that depict the process of the design idea.

Personal work: Diagram and video

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